Nach Tag suchen: "recording"

BFH Gesundheit - Weiterbildung Physiotherapie - Mental Health in der Physiotherapie: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen

Guest Lecture Guest lecture of Michel Probst, Professor emeritus, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), BelgiumTuesday, 26th October 2023, 4.30 - 5.30 pm…

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 149 Wiedergaben 0  

Kaltura CaptureSpace

Kaltura CaptureSpace combines painless recording, automated publishing, and interactive viewing to enable easy video capture in class, at the office, at home, or on-the-go.

Von  BFH - PROD 0 Likes 14 Wiedergaben 0  

Komorbidität aus Sicht der Psychosomatik - Massnahmen, erfolgreiche Beispiele und Stolpersteine in der Versorgung

PD Dr. med. Niklaus Egloff, Leiter Psychosomatische Medizin, Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 252 Wiedergaben 0  


Download: Folien - Podiumsdiskussion

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 18 Wiedergaben 0  

Physical Activity and Mental Health - Interventions, Evidence, International Perspective

Prof. Dr. Davy Vancampfort, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Catholic University Leuven, BelgiumDownload: Folien - Physical Activity and Mental Health - Interventions, Evidence, International…

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 335 Wiedergaben 0  

Physiotherapie und Mental Health - Schweizer Perspektive

Dr. Emanuel Brunner, Klinischer Fachspezialist Schmerz, Institut für Therapien und Rehabilitation, KSW Kantonsspital WinterthurDownload: - Physiotherapie und Mental Health - Schweizer…

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 361 Wiedergaben 0  

BFH Gesundheit - Weiterbildung Physiotherapie - Running-Related Injury Prevention Programs - Guest Lecture Recording - 14.05.2019

Guest lecture of Associate Professor Luiz Hespanhol, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), São Paulo, Brazil Masters and Doctoral Programs in Physical Therapy Tuesday, 14th of May…

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 128 Wiedergaben 0  

BFH Gesundheit - Weiterbildung Physiotherapie - Cardiovascular Disease Prevention - Guest Lecture Recording - 30.01.2019

Guest lecture of Prof. Oscar H. Franco, University of Bern, Switzerland Director of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) Wednesday, 30th of January 2019, 4.30 – 5.30PM …

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 79 Wiedergaben 0  

BFH Gesundheit - Weiterbildung Physiotherapie - The Lancet 2018 - Guest Lecture Recording - 19.09.2018

Guest lecture of Prof. Douglas Gross University of Alberta, Canada Wednesday, 19th September 2018, 4.30 – 5.30PM THE LANCET 2018 – A global call for action on prevention and treatment…

Von  Stefan Wäffler 0 Likes 228 Wiedergaben 0